Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Easter eggs in Windows XP

A virtual Easter egg is an intentional hidden message, in-joke or feature in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program, web page or video game. Easter eggs are messages, videos, graphics, sound effects, or an unusual change in program behavior that sometimes occur in a software program in response to some undocumented set of commands, mouse clicks, keystrokes or other stimuli intended as a joke or to display program credits.

An Easter Egg is found on all Microsoft Windows Operating Systems . In the 3D Text screen saver, entering the text "volcano" will display the names of all the volcanoes in the United States. Microsoft removed this Easter Egg in XP but added others.

Windows XP had a candy cane pipe screensaver. To access it, do the following.

In screensaver menu select 3D Pipes.

1. Go to its settings.

2. In the surface style category bubble in texture by clicking on it.

3. Click choose texture.

4. When choose texture opens click cancel.

5. Click OK in the settings.

6. Then the pipes will be candy cane
Windows XP Pinball game:

Open Pinball program

1. Type "hidden test" (lower case, including space)

2. Left click the ball with cursor and hold the button down.

3. Now you can move the ball with your mouse.
Windows XP- Easter Egg Star Wars ASCII Art on Telnet:

1. Open Windows XP and go to Start, then run.

2. Type in or copy "telnet" without the quotes.

3. Sit back and watch the ASCII movie that someone's made for us.
Some more Windows XP easter eggs and tricks.

1. IExpress
Hidden Install Creator

Instructions - Go to Start, Run, type iexpress

2. MS-DOS Editor
Hidden Text Editor

Instructions - Go to Start, Run, type edit

3. Netmeeting
Hidden Internet Conference Application

Instructions - Go to Start, Run, type conf
4. Private Character Editor
Hidden Font Editor 
Instructions - Go to Start, Run, type eudcedit 
5. Windows Chat
Hidden Windows Chat Program 
Instructions - Go to Start, Run, type winchat

6. Windows Media Player 5.1
Hidden Windows Media Player

Instructions - Go to Start, Run, type mplay32